Bluffton United Methodist Church
Welcome to Bluffton United Methodist Church! We’re glad you are planning to visit. We each come with questions, burdens and joys. We are a place where Christian people with a diverse range of viewpoints are united in Christ. Every Sunday we worship as one. We pray you’ll experience God’s presence and foster your faith by coming to BUMC. Join us online or in person to experience what God is doing in our midst.
On Sunday mornings as you enter for either service, you will be greeted by a friendly greeter or usher. You can expect to meet people striving to live out two of our church values -- joyful worship and gracious invitation.
We are large enough to offer a variety of worship, study and social opportunities, but not too large to find friendly faces and make connections. The culture of BUMC is as varied as its members.​ You will find people dressed in both casual and formal clothes. We are an intergenerational group, which is something we value. We are a friendly congregation. Prior to the beginning of the service, you will always find people chatting and catching up with one another.
Worship services consist of music, prayer, scripture reading and preaching
that typically last one hour.
We offer the following opportunities for adults and children to
learn more about God, Jesus and our Faith:
For families with little ones, the BUMC Nursery is available during both services.
Kid's Church - kids ages 5 through 3rd grade, are invited to participate following the children's message.
Adult Sunday School meets every Sunday at 9:45 AM.
What can I expect on my first visit?
Is childcare provided during worship?
Yes, during both services in our nursery and we also offer a kid's church immediately following the Children's Message.

We also have a Second Sunday Fellowship
An informal meet and greet venue. We enjoy getting to know each other and sharing in light refreshments.
Where should I park?
Parking is available both directly in front of the church, along the sides, and in the back lot of the church. To view a parking map, click here.

Is the church handicap accessible?

Yes. There is parking as well as a ramp as you enter the double doors going in to the church, which are marked with handicap signs. Restrooms located outside the sanctuary are also wheelchair accessible. The ushers will be happy to assist you.
May I be active and involved if I am not Methodist?
Absolutely! You do not have to be a United Methodist or a member of the church to participate in BUMC ministries and programs. Many of our members attended churches from other denominations before moving to Bluffton, yet have found a comfortable home at BUMC.