Bluffton United Methodist Church

Joining Together to Praise God
Worship is at the heart of our corporate life at BUMC.
Worship services consist of music, prayer, scripture reading
and preaching that typically last one hour.
We hold services every Sunday morning
at 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM.
Sunday Schedule:
8:30 AM
First Worship Service
- Kids Church and Nursery Available
9:45 AM
Adult Sunday School
11:00 AM
Second Worship Service
- Nursery Available

Each service includes a time with children and following that time, children are invited to Kids' Church.
Nursery care for ages 6 weeks through 5 years is available during each Service.

One of the important elements of BUMC Worship is the MUSIC, with hymns sung by the congregation and choir, choir anthems directed by our Music Director Keeley DiMartino, Bell Choir anthems led by Nancy Osgood once a month, soloists and small groups, and of course accompanied by our Organist, Michael Cole.
As United Methodists, we recognize 2 sacraments as mandated by Jesus:
Holy Communion and Baptism.
For more information, click here.
The Sacrament of Baptism recalls Christ's instructions to baptize in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Our liturgy teaches us that in baptism, "we are initiated into Christ's holy church. We are incorporated into God's mighty acts of salvation and given new birth through water and the Spirit. All this is God's gift, offered to us without price." (UMC Baptismal Covenant). We practice infant baptism, recalling the household baptisms of Acts, and the understanding that the sacraments are Holy Mysteries. Baptism is God's work, and we as a community of faith are called to participate by vowing to pray for and support the baptized.

Our Theology of Holy Communion includes an Open Table, meaning that Jesus invites all people to partake of the feast prepared in His sacrifice. In Communion, the Holy Spirit empowers and encourages us and blesses us with "a foretaste of the glory divine." In other words, as we join together to receive Christ, we are reminded of the saints of all time and places gathered into only holy family in heaven. We taste forgiveness and God's own love in our souls and we receive the call to live as God's people in the world.
At Bluffton UMC, our dedication to the openness of Christ's table precludes the use of grape juice so that all may receive. We also have gluten free bread available for those who need it.